The car to be estimated is a 2012 Ford Expedition V8 5.4L EL XLT (Base+) with 298937 km mileage in average condition. The most relevant selling price is a 2012 Ford Expedition V8 5.4L EL XLT (Base+) with 258000 km sold for 25000 SAR on 2023-07-07. This car is in good condition, so we adjust downwards for average condition. Another similar car with 352186 km in average condition sold for 17000 SAR on 2024-01-31. Considering the mileage and condition, the estimated price should be between these two values. The listed prices for similar cars are 27000 SAR and 25000 SAR, which are higher than the selling prices, indicating a market price around 20000 SAR to 23000 SAR. Given the condition and mileage, a reasonable estimate is 22000 SAR.