The car to be estimated is a 2013 Dodge Durango V8 5.7L HEMI R/T (AWD) in bad condition with 247,000 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar cars. Three similar R/T (AWD) models with average condition and slightly lower mileage (240,000 km) sold for 30,000 SAR twice and 25,000 SAR once in October 2023. Given the bad condition of the target car, it should be valued lower than these average condition cars. The V8 5.7L GT (RWD) models in good condition sold for 37,500 SAR and 38,000 SAR, which are higher due to better condition and different variant. Considering the bad condition of the target car, a reasonable estimate would be lower than the lowest R/T (AWD) sale price of 25,000 SAR.