To estimate the price of the 2012 GMC Acadia V6 3.6L SLT2 (AWD) (Mid+) with 205393 km mileage, I focused on the selling prices of similar cars. The most relevant data point is a similar SLT2 (AWD) variant sold for 25000 SAR with 177775 km in average condition on 2024-01-03. Another SLT2 (AWD) sold for 15000 SAR with 185000 km in average condition on 2024-05-13. Considering the target car's higher mileage and average condition, its value should be between these two prices. The listed prices for similar SLT2 (AWD) cars range from 17000 to 30000 SAR, but these are not actual selling prices. Therefore, I estimate the market price to be slightly above the lower selling price due to the higher mileage, around 16000 SAR.