The car to be estimated is a 2012 Ford Expedition V8 5.4L EL XLT (Base+) with average condition and 199797 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a similar 2012 Ford Expedition EL XLT (Base+) with 206500 km, good condition, sold for 28500 SAR on 2023-11-03. Another similar 2011 model with good condition sold for 38500 SAR on 2023-09-18. A 2012 model with 258000 km, good condition, sold for 25000 SAR on 2023-07-07. Considering the target car's average condition and mileage, it should be valued slightly lower than the 28500 SAR car due to its condition and slightly higher mileage. The 2012 model with 258000 km and good condition sold for 25000 SAR, which suggests a lower bound. Therefore, the estimated price is adjusted to reflect the average condition and mileage, resulting in a final estimate.