To estimate the price of the 2016 Mercedes S550 V8 4.7L Twin Turbo AMG (Top+), I considered the following data points: 1. A 2016 Mercedes S550 V8 4.7L with 20000 miles sold for 145000 SAR in March 2024. Adjusting for mileage (99500 miles), the price would be lower. 2. A 2015 Mercedes S550 V8 4.7L with 111000 miles sold for 150000 SAR in April 2023. Adjusting for the model year and mileage, the price would be slightly higher. 3. Listed prices: A 2014 Mercedes S550 V8 4.7L AMG (Top+) with 130000 miles listed for 130000 SAR. Considering the model year and mileage, the price would be higher. 4. A 2016 Mercedes S550 V8 4.7L with 20000 miles listed for 179000 SAR in March 2024. Adjusting for mileage, the price would be lower. Considering these factors, I estimated the market price.