The car to be estimated is a 2017 Lexus LS460 V8 4.6L Standard with 128160 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the selling price of a 2015 Lexus LS460 L V8 4.6L Standard with 144103 km mileage, sold for SAR 125000 in July 2024. This car is two years older and has slightly higher mileage. Considering depreciation, the 2017 model should be valued higher. Listed prices for 2015 models range from SAR 108500 to SAR 128500, and for 2016 models from SAR 110000 to SAR 120000. These listings suggest a market range for older models. Given the 2017 model's newer year and lower mileage, a reasonable estimate would be slightly above the 2015 selling price, accounting for depreciation and market trends.