The car to be estimated is a 2016 Mercedes S550 Twin Turbo V8 4.7L AMG (Top+), with 113099 miles, American specs, and in average condition. The most relevant data point is a similar 2016 S550 V8 4.7L with 20000 miles, sold for SAR 145000 in March 2024. This car is a standard variant, not AMG, and has much lower mileage. Considering the higher trim (AMG) and higher mileage of the target car, the price should be adjusted downwards. A listed price for a similar 2016 AMG variant with 99500 miles is SAR 155500, but listed prices are typically higher than selling prices. A 2014 AMG variant with 130000 miles was listed for SAR 105000, indicating depreciation over time. Considering these factors, the estimated market price for the target car is adjusted to reflect its higher mileage and average condition, while accounting for the premium of the AMG trim.