The car to be estimated is a 2013 Mazda CX-5 I4 2.0L R (Mid) with average condition and 174475 km mileage. There is no direct selling price data available for similar cars. The only listed price is for a 2013 Mazda CX-5 I4 2.0L Core (Base) with higher mileage of 223500 km, listed at SAR 34000. The estimated price should be lower than this due to the higher trim level of the car to be estimated. Considering the new car prices, the 2.5L GS (FWD) variant starts at SAR 97750. Applying a 10% annual depreciation over 11 years, the estimated value of a new car would be significantly lower. However, the listed price of SAR 34000 for a lower trim with higher mileage suggests a market value slightly below this for the car in question. Adjusting for the trim and mileage, the estimated market price is slightly lower than the listed price.