To estimate the price of the 2014 Hyundai Tucson I4 2.0L Comfort 2WD (Mid) with 222000 km mileage and average condition, I analyzed the selling prices of similar cars. The closest matches are: 2015 Tucson Comfort 2WD (Mid) with 209000 km sold for 38000 SAR, 2015 Tucson Comfort 2WD (Mid) with 327000 km sold for 36000 SAR, and 2015 Tucson Comfort 2WD (Mid) with 175000 km sold for 39000 SAR. Considering the higher mileage and average condition of the target car, I adjusted the price downwards. The listed prices for similar cars were 35000 SAR and 38500 SAR, but these are typically higher than actual selling prices. Therefore, I estimated the market price based on the selling prices of similar cars, adjusting for mileage and condition.