The car to be estimated is a 2018 BMW X3 xDrive30i with a turbo I4 2.0L engine in average condition. The most relevant data point is the selling price of a similar 2018 BMW X3 xDrive 30i with the same engine and condition, sold for SAR 95,500 in April 2024. This car had higher mileage (158,400 km) compared to the target car (123,500 km), which suggests the target car could be valued slightly higher. However, the target car is a top variant, which typically commands a higher price than the standard variant. Considering the listed prices, a 2019 model with similar specs and lower mileage was listed for SAR 107,000, but not sold. A 2017 model with similar mileage was listed for SAR 90,500. Given these factors, the estimated market price for the target car is adjusted slightly above the sold price of the similar car, accounting for the lower mileage and higher trim level.