The car to be estimated is a 2016 Toyota Camry GL I4 2.5L GLE (Mid) with 161,000 km mileage in average condition. The most relevant data point is a 2017 Camry GLE (Mid) with 224,000 km sold for 38,500 SAR on 2024-07-09. Adjusting for the lower mileage of the target car, the price should be higher. A 2014 Camry GLE (Mid) with 155,000 km sold for 37,000 SAR in September 2024, suggesting a similar price range. The 2016 Camry GLE (Mid) listed for 48,000 SAR and 50,500 SAR were delisted, indicating these prices were likely too high. Considering these factors, the estimated price is adjusted to reflect the target car's mileage and condition.