The car to be estimated is a 2017 Nissan Maxima SV V6 3.5L with 250381 km mileage in average condition. The most relevant selling price is a similar 2017 Maxima SV V6 3.5L with 222806 km in good condition sold for 45000 SAR on 2024-08-06. Given the higher mileage and average condition of the target car, its value should be lower. Another 2017 Maxima SV with 194000 km in good condition sold for 51500 SAR on 2023-05-29, indicating a higher price for better condition and lower mileage. A 2016 Maxima SV with 208000 km in average condition sold for 41000 SAR on 2024-07-05, suggesting a lower price for older models. The listed price of a similar 2017 Maxima SV with 246878 km was 38000 SAR, but it was delisted, indicating it might not have sold at that price. Considering these factors, the estimated market price for the target car is adjusted to reflect its higher mileage and average condition.