To estimate the price of the 2018 Hyundai Sonata I4 2.4L Smart (Mid) with 339000 km mileage and average condition, I analyzed the selling prices of similar cars. The most relevant data points are: 2018 Sonata Smart (Mid) with 135000 km sold for 44000 SAR on 2024-01-15, 2018 Sonata Smart (Mid) with 125000 km sold for 32000 SAR on 2024-06-04, and 2018 Sonata Smart (Mid) with 254000 km sold for 38500 SAR on 2024-07-13. Considering the higher mileage of the target car (339000 km), I adjusted the price downwards. The listed prices of similar cars were 46000 SAR and 38500 SAR, but these are generally higher than actual selling prices. Therefore, I estimated the market price by considering the depreciation due to higher mileage and average condition.