The car to be estimated is a 2021 Geely Tugella Turbocharged I4 2.0L GF Luxury (Top) with 133674 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the 2021 Geely Tugella I4 2.0L Turbocharged GF Luxury (Top) sold for 76000 SAR on 2023-12-18 with 44000 km. Considering the higher mileage of the target car, its value would be lower. A 2022 model with 68000 km sold for 75000 SAR on 2024-05-24, indicating depreciation with higher mileage. The 2022 model with 51700 km sold for 78000 SAR on 2023-11-25. Given the target car's higher mileage and older model year, its value should be adjusted downwards. Considering these factors, the estimated price is adjusted to reflect the higher mileage and age.