To estimate the price of the 2022 Changan CS95 I4 2.0L Turbocharged Royal (Top) with 52400 km mileage in average condition, I analyzed the selling prices of similar cars. The most relevant data points are: 1) A Royal (Top) variant with 44000 km sold for 79000 SAR on 2023-12-12. 2) Another Royal (Top) variant with 39400 km sold for 92000 SAR on 2023-12-14. 3) A Royal (Top) variant with 35000 km sold for 82000 SAR on 2024-06-13. Considering the higher mileage of the target car (52400 km) and the average condition, I adjusted the price downwards from these reference points. The average selling price of these Royal (Top) variants is approximately 84333 SAR. Given the higher mileage and average condition, a further reduction is warranted to reflect the depreciation and condition.