The car to be estimated is a 2021 Toyota Yaris I4 1.5L Y (CVT) (Mid) with 39500 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar cars. A 2021 Yaris I4 Y Plus (CVT) (Top) with 33650 km sold for 55000 SAR in August 2023, and another with 49000 km sold for 39799 SAR in June 2024. The Y Plus variant is higher than the Y (Mid) variant, so the price should be slightly lower than 55000 SAR. A 2021 Yaris I4 Y (STD) (M/T) (Base+) with 39000 km sold for 53000 SAR in September 2023, which is a lower variant than the Y (Mid). Considering these, the estimated price should be between 53000 and 55000 SAR. Given the car's good condition and low mileage, a reasonable estimate is 54000 SAR.