To estimate the price of the 2019 Toyota Yaris I4 1.5L Y (CVT) (Mid) with 153322 km mileage in average condition, I first looked at the selling prices of similar cars. One sold for 38000 SAR with 157572 km in June 2024, and another sold for 41000 SAR with 110000 km in July 2024. Given the higher mileage and average condition of the target car, it would likely be valued closer to the lower end of this range. Next, I reviewed listed prices: one with 157572 km was listed for 40500 SAR, and another with 138000 km was listed for 42500 SAR. Considering these listings are generally higher than actual selling prices, I adjusted downwards. Factoring in the car's condition and mileage, I estimated the market price accordingly.