To estimate the price of the 2016 Nissan Sunny I4 1.5L S A/T (Base) with 198000 km mileage, I analyzed the listed prices of similar cars. The closest match is a 2016 Nissan Sunny I4 1.5L S A/T (Base) with the same mileage listed for SAR 21500. Other similar listings include a 2016 model with 224577 km for SAR 20000, a 2014 model with 197000 km for SAR 16500, and a 2015 model with 159000 km for SAR 17000. Considering the average condition of the target car, I adjusted the price slightly lower than the highest listed price but higher than the older models. The final estimate is based on the average of these comparable listings, taking into account the car's condition and mileage.