The car to be estimated is a 2014 Chrysler 300 V8 5.7L Standard with average condition and 224790 km mileage. The closest data points are for the V6 3.6L variant. The selling prices for the V6 variant range from 28500 SAR to 42000 SAR, with the higher prices associated with lower mileage and better condition. The V8 engine typically commands a higher price than the V6. Considering the average condition and higher mileage of the target car, the price should be adjusted downward from the top of the V6 range. The listed prices for similar V6 cars range from 29500 SAR to 42000 SAR, but these are generally higher than selling prices. Given the V8 engine and the average condition, a reasonable estimate would be slightly above the lower end of the V6 selling price range, accounting for the engine upgrade but also the higher mileage and average condition.