To estimate the price of the 2016 Hyundai Tucson I4 2.0L Comfort 2WD (Mid) with 191,000 km mileage, I focused on selling prices of similar cars. A 2016 Tucson Comfort 2WD with 276,000 km sold for 32,724 SAR on 2024-04-22, and another with 137,000 km sold for 45,000 SAR on 2024-06-06. A 2015 model with 209,000 km sold for 38,000 SAR on 2023-09-09. These prices suggest a range for similar models in average condition. The listed price of a similar car with 188,000 km was 51,000 SAR, but listed prices are typically higher than selling prices. Considering the car's average condition and mileage, I estimate the market price to be slightly lower than the higher selling prices but above the lowest, around 40,000 SAR.