The car to be estimated is a 2017 Nissan Patrol Platinum V6 4.0L SE (Base+) with 271,000 km mileage and average condition. The most relevant data point is a 2017 Nissan Patrol SE V6 4.0L with 134,100 km, average condition, sold for 113,000 SAR on 2023-11-27. Given the higher mileage of the car to be estimated, a downward adjustment is necessary. Another relevant data point is a 2017 Nissan Patrol SE Platinum V6 4.0L with 98,000 km, good condition, sold for 139,000 SAR on 2023-08-14. Considering the lower trim and higher mileage of the car to be estimated, further downward adjustment is needed. The 2018 Nissan Patrol V6 4.0L with 192,000 km, sold for 105,500 SAR on 2023-05-25, also supports a lower estimate due to the newer model year and lower mileage. Based on these comparisons, the estimated price is adjusted to reflect the higher mileage and average condition of the car in question.