To estimate the price of the 2017 Mitsubishi Pajero V6 3.5L GLS 5 Door (Top) with 93000 km mileage, I analyzed the selling prices of similar cars. The closest match is the 2017 Mitsubishi Pajero V6 3.5L GLS 5 Door (Top) with varying conditions and mileages. The selling prices for these cars range from 45000 SAR to 67500 SAR. Specifically, cars with similar mileage and condition to the target car (e.g., 124126 km, good condition) sold for around 59500-60000 SAR. Considering the target car has lower mileage (93000 km) and is in good condition, it should be valued slightly higher. Therefore, I estimate the market price to be around 62000 SAR.