The car to be estimated is a 2023 Ford Ranger I4 2.0L Turbocharged Wild Trak 4X4 with low mileage of 6200 km. There are no direct selling prices available, so we rely on new car prices and listed prices. The new 2025 Ford Ranger Wild Trak 4X4 is priced at SAR 166635. Assuming a 15% annual depreciation, the 2023 model would have depreciated for one year, resulting in an estimated value of SAR 141640. The listed price for a 2022 Ford Ranger Wild Trak I5 3.2L with higher mileage is SAR 125000. Considering the lower mileage and newer model year of the car in question, its estimated market price should be higher than SAR 125000 but lower than the depreciated new car price of SAR 141640. Balancing these factors, the estimated market price is set at SAR 135000.