The car to be estimated is a 2023 BMW X6 M I6 3.0L Twin Power Turbo with 12500 km. The new price for a 2025 BMW X6 M Standard is SAR 685000. Assuming a 15% depreciation per year, the 2023 model would have depreciated approximately 30% from the 2025 price, leading to an estimated new price of SAR 479500. Among the listed prices, the closest match is a 2023 BMW X6 M I6 3.0L with 41000 km listed for SAR 322000. Given the lower mileage of the car to be estimated, it should be valued higher. The V8 variants listed have higher prices, but they are not directly comparable due to the different engine. Considering the new price depreciation and the listed price of the similar I6 variant, the estimated market price is adjusted to reflect the lower mileage and current market conditions.