To estimate the price of the 2019 Kia Sportage GDi I4 1.6L EX (Mid) with 97000 km mileage, I first considered the selling prices of similar cars. A 2019 Kia Sportage I4 1.6L with 129000 km sold for 53000 SAR, and another with 66000 km sold for 72000 SAR. The car with 66000 km is closer in mileage and condition, suggesting a higher value. The 2.0L variant with 71500 km sold for 61000 SAR, indicating a slightly higher price for better condition and lower mileage. The listed prices show a 1.6L with 99000 km listed for 65500 SAR, and another with 84737 km listed for 68000 SAR. These listings suggest a market range between 53000 SAR and 68000 SAR. Considering the car's good condition and mileage, I estimate the price closer to the higher end of this range.