The car to be estimated is a 2019 Hyundai Kona I4 2.0L Smart 2.0L (Mid) with 182556 km mileage in average condition. The most relevant selling price is a 2019 Kona Smart 2.0L (Mid) with 77000 km sold for 48000 SAR on 2024-09-09. This car had significantly lower mileage and was in good condition, suggesting a lower price for the target car due to higher mileage and average condition. A 2020 model with 66000 km sold for 54500 SAR on 2024-03-10, and another 2020 model with 59000 km sold for 60500 SAR on 2024-08-31, both in good condition, further indicating depreciation for the target car. Listed prices for 2019 models with similar mileage range from 45000 to 51000 SAR, but these are generally higher than selling prices. Considering the high mileage and average condition, the estimated price should be lower than the 48000 SAR selling price of the better-conditioned car with lower mileage.