To estimate the price of the 2020 Mercedes GLE450 V6 3.0L Standard with 40000 km mileage, I analyzed the listed prices of similar cars. The closest match is a 2020 GLE450 V6 3.0L with the same mileage listed for SAR 259000. Another 2020 GLE450 V6 3.0L with 51000 km was listed for SAR 252000. Considering the mileage difference, the price should be slightly higher than SAR 252000 but close to SAR 259000. The 2020 GLE450 V6 3.0L with 100000 km was listed for SAR 220000, indicating a significant depreciation with higher mileage. Factoring in the average condition of the car, I estimate the market price to be slightly lower than the highest listed price for a similar car with the same mileage.