To estimate the price of the 2023 Toyota Yaris I4 1.3L Y (CVT) (Mid) with 50942 km mileage, I focused on the selling prices of similar cars. The most relevant data point is a similar car with the same variant and condition, sold for SAR 48750 on 2024-08-04 with 18000 km. Another similar car with 64000 km sold for SAR 37500 on 2024-05-15. Considering the target car's mileage of 50942 km, its value should be between these two prices. The listed prices for similar cars range from SAR 43000 to SAR 57500, but these are generally higher than actual selling prices. Therefore, I estimate the market price to be slightly above the lower selling price due to the lower mileage compared to the SAR 37500 car.