To estimate the price of the 2022 Toyota Rush G I4 1.5L STD (Base) with 71500 km mileage in good condition, I analyzed the selling prices of similar cars. A similar car with 36000 km in average condition sold for 52000 SAR, while another with 118031 km in good condition sold for 53500 SAR. A third car with 29000 km in average condition sold for 58000 SAR. The car with 118031 km is closest in mileage and condition to the target car, suggesting a price around 53500 SAR. Considering the target car's lower mileage and good condition, a slight increase is reasonable. Listed prices ranged from 53000 to 59000 SAR, but these are typically higher than actual selling prices. Therefore, the estimated market price is slightly above the 53500 SAR sale, accounting for the better condition and lower mileage.