To estimate the price of the 2016 Range Rover HSE V8 5.0L 520PS V8 (Top) with 208000 km mileage, I analyzed the listed prices of similar cars. The closest match is a 2016 model with 167000 km listed for SAR 175000. Considering the higher mileage of the target car, I adjusted the price downwards. Other relevant data points include a 2015 model with 216000 km listed for SAR 153000 and another 2015 model with 229000 km listed for SAR 141000. Given the average condition and higher mileage, I estimated the price to be slightly lower than these listings. The 2014 model with 179000 km listed for SAR 110000 also influenced the downward adjustment. Factoring in all these data points, I arrived at a reasonable market price estimate.