To estimate the price of the 2016 Mercedes CLS400 V6 3.0L BiTurbo Standard with 77500 km mileage, I considered the listed prices of similar cars. The first car, with 70000 km, is listed for SAR 135000. The second car, with 165997 km, is listed for SAR 96000. The third car, an AMG variant with 180000 km, is listed for SAR 120000. Given the mileage and condition of the target car, I adjusted the price downwards from the highest listed price of SAR 135000, considering the average condition and slightly higher mileage. The second car's lower price reflects its much higher mileage, which is not directly comparable. The AMG variant's price is also not directly comparable due to its different trim. Therefore, I estimated the market price by averaging the relevant data points and adjusting for mileage and condition.