To estimate the price of the 2015 Kia Sportage I4 1.6L Turbocharged EX (Mid) with 161000 km mileage, I considered the listed prices of similar cars. The closest match is a 2015 Kia Sportage I4 1.6L Turbocharged EX (Mid) with the same mileage and specs listed for SAR 37000. Additionally, I looked at two 2016 Kia Sportage I4 2.0L Turbocharged (Diesel) EX 4WD (Top) models listed for SAR 53500 each, but these have higher mileage and a different engine type. Given the higher mileage and different engine, these listings are less relevant but provide a ceiling for the price. Considering the average condition of the car in question and the closest match listed at SAR 37000, I estimate the market price to be slightly lower to account for negotiation and actual selling conditions.