The car to be estimated is a 2013 Hyundai Tucson I4 2.4L Comfort 4WD (Mid+) with 250391 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a 2013 Hyundai Tucson I4 2.0L Comfort 4WD (Mid+) with 98400 km sold for 42000 SAR in September 2023. Adjusting for higher mileage and average condition, the price should be lower. A 2014 model with 294000 km sold for 32000 SAR in August 2023, which is closer in mileage and condition. Considering the 2013 model's older age and higher mileage, the price should be slightly lower than 32000 SAR. The listed price of a similar 2013 model with 208000 km is 36400 SAR, but listed prices are typically higher than selling prices. Based on these factors, the estimated market price is adjusted to reflect the car's age, mileage, and condition.