The car to be estimated is a 2021 Ford Mustang GT Premium V8 5.0L Mach1 with 86200 km mileage. The closest selling price data is for a 2021 Ford Mustang V8 GT Base with 34640 km sold for 147000 SAR in May 2024. The estimated car has higher mileage and is in average condition, which would decrease its value compared to the sold car. The listed price for a similar 2021 Mustang V8 GT Base with the same mileage is 165500 SAR, but listed prices are generally higher than selling prices. Considering the higher mileage and average condition, the estimated price should be lower than 147000 SAR. The GT Premium Mach1 variant is higher than the Base variant, but the condition and mileage offset this. Therefore, the estimated market price is adjusted accordingly.