To estimate the price of the 2016 Cadillac ATS V6 3.6L V (Top+), I first considered the selling prices of similar cars. The 2016 Cadillac ATS I4 2.5L sedan with 25000 km sold for 62000 SAR, and the 2018 Cadillac ATS I4 2.0L sedan with 131200 km sold for 75000 SAR. These are lower trims and different engine sizes compared to the target car. Next, I looked at listed prices. A 2016 Cadillac ATS V6 3.6L with 241000 km was listed for 67000 SAR, and a 2015 model with 256500 km was listed for 53000 SAR. These listings are closer in engine size and trim to the target car. Considering the target car's mileage of 169800 km, which is lower than these listings, and its top trim, I estimate the market price to be slightly higher than the 2015 model's listing but lower than the 2016 model's listing due to mileage and market depreciation.