To estimate the price of the 2015 Toyota FJ Cruiser TRD V6 4.0L FJ 1 (Mid) with 321,000 km mileage, I analyzed the listed prices of similar cars. The closest match in terms of variant is the 2013 FJ Cruiser FJ 1 (Mid) with 248,000 km, listed for SAR 67,000. Considering the higher mileage of the target car, its value would be lower. The 2015 FJ Cruiser FJ 2 (Top) with similar mileage (338,000 km) was listed for SAR 80,000, but the FJ 1 (Mid) variant is typically less expensive. Adjusting for the variant and mileage, I estimate the market price to be lower than SAR 67,000. The 2014 FJ Cruiser FJ 2 (Top) with 287,000 km was listed for SAR 69,500, further supporting a lower estimate for the target car. Considering these factors, I estimate the market price accordingly.