The car to be estimated is a 2013 Nissan Sunny I4 1.5L S A/T (Base) in bad condition with high mileage of 310303 km. The most relevant selling price is for a similar 2013 model with average condition and lower mileage (185000 km) sold for SAR 13000. A 2014 model in good condition with lower mileage (159000 km) sold for SAR 22500. Considering the bad condition and high mileage of the target car, its value should be significantly lower than SAR 13000. Listed prices show a 2013 model with similar specs and lower mileage (185000 km) listed for SAR 14000, but the target car's bad condition and higher mileage suggest a lower value. A 2015 model with similar mileage (313000 km) is listed for SAR 22000, but this is not directly comparable due to the year difference. Based on these data points, the estimated market price for the target car is significantly lower than the lowest selling price of SAR 13000.