The car to be estimated is a 2020 Kia Sportage I4 1.6L LX (Base) with 228,000 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a 2020 Kia Sportage I4 2.0L LX (Base) with 229,500 km sold for 52,000 SAR in February 2024. This car is similar in trim and condition, but has a slightly larger engine. Another relevant data point is a 2020 Kia Sportage I4 2.0L LX (Base) with 64,000 km sold for 57,000 SAR in March 2024, but with much lower mileage. Considering the mileage and engine size differences, the estimated price should be slightly lower than 52,000 SAR. The listed price of a similar 2020 Kia Sportage I4 2.0L LX (Base) with 229,500 km was 53,500 SAR, which supports this estimate. Therefore, the estimated market price is adjusted to reflect the smaller engine and high mileage.