To estimate the price of the 2016 Hyundai Elantra I4 2.0L GL (Mid) in bad condition with 286,141 km mileage, I focused on the selling prices of similar cars. A 2016 Elantra I4 2.0L GL (Mid) with 185,000 km in average condition sold for 35,000 SAR on 2024-02-10. Another 2016 Elantra I4 2.0L GL (Mid) with 159,121 km in average condition sold for 35,500 SAR on 2024-09-11. A 2016 Elantra I4 2.0L with 344,500 km sold for 23,500 SAR on 2023-09-10. Considering the bad condition and higher mileage of the target car, I adjusted the price downwards from these benchmarks. The target car's condition and mileage suggest a significant depreciation compared to average condition cars.