The car to be estimated is a 2020 Hyundai Accent I4 1.6L Gamma (Top) with 59600 km mileage in good condition. The available data includes selling prices of 2020 Hyundai Accent I4 1.4L Kappa (Base) variants. These cars have higher mileage and are mostly in average condition, with selling prices ranging from 33500 to 41000 SAR. The most recent sale of a similar car in good condition with 85049 km mileage was for 38500 SAR on 2024-10-10. The estimated car has a more powerful engine (1.6L vs 1.4L) and is a top variant, which typically commands a higher price. Considering the lower mileage and better condition, I estimate a premium of around 5000 SAR over the highest recent selling price of 38500 SAR, leading to an estimated price of 43500 SAR.