The car to be estimated is a 2019 Geely Emgrand GT I4 1.5L Prestige with 115200 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the 2019 Geely Emgrand GT I4 1.8L Turbocharged Prestige with 182700 km sold for SAR 30000 on 2024-10-05. This car has a larger engine and higher mileage, suggesting a slightly lower value for the 1.5L. The 2017 Geely Emgrand GT I4 2.4L Prestige sold for SAR 4000, but it has much higher mileage and is older, indicating a lower value. The listed price for a similar 2019 1.8L Turbocharged is SAR 36500, which is typically higher than selling prices. Considering these factors, the estimated market price for the 2019 1.5L Prestige is slightly lower than the 1.8L Turbocharged sold price, accounting for the smaller engine and lower mileage.