To estimate the price of the 2022 Changan Alsvin I4 1.5L Comfort (Mid) with 49251 km mileage and average condition, I analyzed the selling prices of similar cars. The closest variants are the Advanced (Top) and Standard (Base). The Advanced variant with similar mileage and condition sold for 27500 SAR (44000 km, April 2024), 25500 SAR (84000 km, June 2024), and 26000 SAR (90000 km, August 2024). The Standard variant sold for 31000 SAR (51000 km, July 2023) and 23000 SAR (95000 km, May 2024). Considering the Comfort (Mid) variant is between the Standard and Advanced, I averaged the prices of the closest matches: 27500, 25500, and 26000 SAR for Advanced, and 31000 and 23000 SAR for Standard. The average of these prices is 26600 SAR. Given the car's mileage and condition, I adjusted slightly to reflect the mid-variant status.