To estimate the price of the 2014 Audi S8, I first considered the offer accepted for a 2013 Audi S8 with similar specifications and mileage of 120,000 km, which was SAR 61,500 as of December 2023. This provides a baseline for a slightly older model. The listed price for the same 2013 model is SAR 63,500, which is close to the accepted offer, indicating a realistic market range. The 2015 model with lower mileage is listed at SAR 139,500, but its lower mileage and newer year justify a higher price. The new 2025 Audi S8 is priced at SAR 745,820, but this is less relevant due to the age difference. Considering the 2014 model's average condition and higher mileage of 135,500 km, I estimate its market price to be slightly higher than the 2013 model's accepted offer but lower than the 2015 model's listing, around SAR 65,000.